Cataloguing tradition and present in Germany

  • Extensive cataloguing according to DFG (German Research Council) cataloguing rules since 1960's
  • Generous funding for manuscript cataloguing (~ 2 weeks per ms)
  • basically two data formats: MXML and TEI (plus very few MARC)
  • TEI is (and will be) the preferred import as well as export format
  • In Wolfenbüttel (and at other institutions/projects)

Challenges with using TEI for manuscript cataloguing

  • importance of visualisation ("What would the text look like in print?")
  • paragraph structures (e.g. layout, decoNote, provenance, etc) vs. 'atomic' information
    • importance of whitespace and punctuation
    • when or whether to use <p> at all?
  • Being layout-oriented, cataloguers tend to be 'creative' in order to achieve a desired output
    • Does a <msItem> constitute a paragraph in the output?
  • generate index entries from certain fields vs. explicit encoding of index entries

Future of cataloguing in Germany

  • Berlin, Leipzig, Wolfenbüttel and Munich are about to set up a new centralised database for manuscript related information (Handschriftenportal)
  • HAB being responsible for data exchange interfaces and schema control

  • Introduction of the distinction between the manuscript and the catalogueCultural object (document) (KOD)
  • Introduction of a unified identifier for each manuscript (ISMI International standardised manuscript identifier)
  • MXML to be replaced by a new internal format of the Handschriftenportal

Definition of minimal data set

FieldAuthority controlTEI coverage
Place of owning institutionTGNmsIdentifier/settlement
Name of owning institutionISILmsIdentifier/repository
ID of owning institutionGND-IDmsIdentifier/repository/@ref
Identification of cultural objectShelfmark surveymsIdentifier/idno
internal IDmsIdentfier/idno[@type]

Definition of Core fields

FieldSample ValuesTEI coverage (<msDesc> children)
Title'Augustinus', 'Medizinische Sammelhandschrift'head/title
Material'Parchment', 'Paper'physDesc/objectDescription/supportDesc/(support | @material)
No. of leavesII + 215 + IIphysDesc/objectDescription/supportDesc/extent/measure[@type]
Size of leaves25 × 15 cmphysDesc/objectDescription/supportDesc/extent/dimensions
Measurements of leaves'2°', 'Folio'physDesc/objectDescription/supportDesc/extent/measure[@type]
Place of origin'Northern France?'history/origin/origPlace or head/origPlace
Date of origin'late 14th c'history/origin/origDate or head/origDate

Definition of Core fields (cont'd)

FieldSample ValuesTEI coverage (<msDesc> children)
Writing language(s)'en', 'la', etc (major languages only)msContents/textLang or msContents/{model.msItemPart}/@xml:lang
Musical notation(yes|no)---
Form type'Codex', 'Rotolus', etc.physDesc/objectDescription/@form
Object status'existing', 'lost', 'destroyed', etc---

Other aspects of using TEI

  • Cataloguing born-digital in TEI is way more straight forward than retro-convert existing catalogs into TEI documents
  • Would it be sufficient to supply a fulltext with some information encoded (most important search fields)?

Some observations on the TEI usage

Aspect / FieldUsage in BodUsage in HAB
Manuscript title MS. Add. A. 2 KOD: Jacobus de Voragine (Cod. Guelf. 289 Helmst.)
Cat.: Beschreibung von Cod. Guelf. 289 Helmst.
Dating: When is the 15th c? notBefore="1400" notAfter="1500" notBefore="1401" notAfter="1500"
Place of origin country + region + settlement ---
(no nesting elements used at the moment)
Writing space supportDesc layoutDesc
msItem structures multiple <incipit>s possible nested <msItem>s
identification of works msItem/title/@key --- (keywords in profileDesc/textClass)
